Saturday 18 January 2014

My Sylvanian Nation

Here below are all of my famillies along with a few of my buildings, i think that its really colourful and looks effective.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Poppy's New Honour

Hi guys! today I bestowed my Sylvanian Memembership badge upon Poppy!

I really thought she deserved it because she has been around quite a while without a family and so I gave her my membership badge.

Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Years Eve Purchase

Names from left to right
Alexandra, Kane,Clarice and Bertram Bamboo
Today is New Years Eve 31/12/2013 and this morning I purchased a Panda Family for my collection of critters.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Meet My Critters(Two Families)

First of all i would like to invite you to The Sea-Breeze Rabbit Family because they were a special edition, It was recently my birthday in November and my Cousin bought them for me.
This was amazing because I'd got the grandparents from joining the Sylvanian Collectors Club quite a while ago, when i saw that the grandparents had the same colour and markings on them i was so delighted,I'D FOUND A FAMILY!
Here Is The Sea-Breeze Family Together

This family have recently adopted a critter i like to call Poppy, because she came with the tent set and i felt a bit bad that i hadn't thought of looking for her family,but I am looking into searching for them.
But for now in this family she will stay.
Morgan loves having Poppy as a sister!

Morgan and he Sister Poppy

This is my Kangaroo Critter Family i like this family because their family only consist of a sister and a baby there is no teenage brother like there usually is in most critter families. I got this family in a shop in Derby i just saw Joey the baby's size and i thought "wow he's so small aw"
and here they are!
Compared to all of the other babies and toddlers, Joey is the smallest awww